Prayer flags over Mad River, Moretown, Vermont

After Tropical Storm Irene flooded our village in 2011, prayer flags appeared over the Moretown river gorge just steps away from my house. I don't know who thought of it and managed to string them across the gorge (thank you!). It was a beautiful, calming gesture. It increased my connection and deep appreciation to this community and river I call home.
I also imagined as each breeze passed through the flags, and each measure of water flowed beneath, solace finding its way to other "fellow floodies" who have experienced flooding and devastation. As challenging as having my home and business flooded by Tropical Storm Irene on August 28, 2011, it was a life changing experience I continue to be grateful. I trust my intuition even more, gained some solid renovation and building skills, and most of all, met beautiful and generous humans.
I look forward to sharing more with you.
Today is September 16, 2024 and I have 18 days left to get ready for my first Vermont Open Studio: October 5-6, 2024. I hope to see you there!

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